There are vast sources of information on the internet built around marketing best practices and top tips. Yet we continue to hear from clients asking for help as there are too many opinions. To help provide clearer guidance, we set up a series of workshops with all our cross-functional teams to discuss the topics close to our hearts and that of our clients.

Our first workshop topic addressed implementing multi-channel campaigns. We wanted to answer two questions – how do we implement these campaigns with our clients? Which multi-channel campaigns are successful for Market Location and why?

At Market Location, we always recommend that our clients run multi-channel campaigns for their B2B products and services. These campaigns enable the client to reach a broader audience or connect with the same person through multiple channels strengthening their brand messaging.

Here are some areas that we recommend focusing on:

Identify your target audience

Before effectively promoting your product, you must understand whom you are trying to reach. If required, you should conduct market research to understand your target audience’s requirements, pain points, and preferences. Market research may not be needed where the product you sell can only be purchased by particular sectors or companies with multiple sites as an example.

Choose the proper channels

Specific channels are better suited for different audiences. For example, LinkedIn is an excellent platform for communicating with business professionals, while Facebook is better for reaching a more consumer-oriented audience. Consider which channels your target audience is most likely to be using and focus your efforts there.

Create a cohesive message

Your campaign should have a clear, consistent message communicated across all channels. Your audience needs to recognise your brand messaging and understand what you are offering and why it is valuable.

Use data to drive decision-making

To find the channels, communication methods and correct target audience, you will need to test different campaigns and collect data on their effectiveness, using this information to adjust your strategy as needed. Testing helps you to identify which channels are most effective for reaching your target audience and driving better results. If you try something that doesn’t immediately initiate the response you think it should, don’t throw it all away; make minor tweaks and see if they improve the responsiveness.

Keep the customer journey in mind

Your multi-channel campaign should be designed to guide potential customers through the sales process, from initial awareness to purchase. Consider customers’ different touchpoints with your brand and ensure that your messaging is consistent and relevant at each stage. Also, know that not everyone will need your product now, but if your communications hit the right audience and offer a clear benefit, they will know who to go to when they need your product. This week, we had a lead from an email we sent in 2013!

The workshop moved onto a discussion around the influx of products and services on offer that claims to automate high-value B2B Sales funnels and if this was achievable.

We recalled a keynote speech from 2022, where the speaker commented on the amount of tech and online sales support available now. But rather than being positive, they discussed how it could sometimes get in the way of the Sales team. Teams with too much tech must switch from product to product unless they have extensive IT resources to synchronise the tools used. They also discussed the money wasted by companies when various departments purchase another tech for the same tasks rather than having a strategic approach to specifying requirements, researching and testing possible tech/systems and then planning a complete build, test and rollout process.

However, one area that can always be used to support a company’s sales and marketing activities is email. A successful email campaign that can be automated can save huge amounts of time and resources within your company:

  • Automated email campaigns can nurture leads and keep them engaged with your company.
  • Lead scoring can be implemented to identify the most promising leads and prioritise them for follow-up sales outreach.
  • CRM integration can be used to track and manage leads and customer interactions.
  • Meeting scheduling tools can be used to streamline the process of setting up and conducting sales meetings.

Many factors can contribute to the success of an automated B2B email campaign, and what works best will depend on your specific business, products, and target audience. That being said, here are a few general tips that may help create an effective automated B2B email campaign:

Clearly define your target audience

Before creating your campaign, you must understand whom you are trying to reach. During this planning phase, you can create targeted, relevant messaging that resonates with your audience.

Use a professional and well-designed email template:

A clear and professional email template can make a big difference in the effectiveness of your campaign.

Craft a compelling subject line

The subject line of your email is often the first thing a recipient sees, and a strong subject line can be the difference between your email being opened or deleted. Make sure your subject line is clear, concise, and compelling.

Write clear and concise copy

Keep your email copy focused and to the point. Use bullet points or numbered lists to make the information easy to digest.

Include a clear call to action

Ensure you include a clear call to action in your email, such as a link to learn more or a button to request a demo.

Test and optimise your campaign

As with any marketing campaign, testing and optimising your email lead generation campaign is vital to see what works best. You should A/B test different subject lines, copy, or various call-to-actions (CTAs) and then analyse the results to see what performs best.

Remember, the key to a successful multi-channel campaign is to create targeted, relevant, and compelling messaging that resonates with your audience and encourages them to act.

people holding pens in a business meeting examining a marketing strategy document